7,134 research outputs found

    Seismology of Procyon A: determination of mode frequencies, amplitudes, lifetimes, and granulation noise

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    The F5 IV-V star Procyon A (aCMi) was observed in January 2001 by means of the high resolution spectrograph SARG operating with the TNG 3.5m Italian telescope (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo) at Canary Islands, exploiting the iodine cell technique. The time-series of about 950 spectra carried out during 6 observation nights and a preliminary data analysis were presented in Claudi et al. 2005. These measurements showed a significant excess of power between 0.5 and 1.5 mHz, with ~ 1 m/s peak amplitude. Here we present a more detailed analysis of the time-series, based on both radial velocity and line equivalent width analyses. From the power spectrum we found a typical p-mode frequency comb-like structure, identified with a good margin of certainty 11 frequencies in the interval 0.5-1400 mHz of modes with l=0,1,2 and 7< n < 22, and determined large and small frequency separations, Dn = 55.90 \pm 0.08 muHz and dnu_02=7.1 \pm 1.3 muHz, respectively. The mean amplitude per mode (l=0,1) at peak power results to be 0.45 \pm 0.07 m/s, twice larger than the solar one, and the mode lifetime 2 \pm 0.4 d, that indicates a non-coherent, stochastic source of mode excitation. Line equivalent width measurements do not show a significant excess of power in the examined spectral region but allowed us to infer an upper limit to the granulation noise.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Population dynamics, gregarious behavior and oviposition preference of Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Alydidae).

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    Interactions between Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood) (Coreoidea: Heteroptera: Alydidae) and host plants were investigated including population monitoring throughout the year, gregarious behavior in the field, and oviposition preference among host plants and one non-host plant in field cages. Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., soybean, Glycine max (L.) Mill. cv. BR 37, pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill., pigeon pea cv. Anão, and lablab, Dolichos lablab L. were monitored in the field. N. parvus was found on host plants during 11 months. The shortest period of occurrence was observed on soybean and the longest on lablab. Insects were found mostly on mature pods. Contagious distribution (negative bionomial) was detected, characterizing the aggregation. Greater number of eggs were observed on pigeon pea, followed by soybean and lablab. Eggs were not found on cowpea, on common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L., and on rice, Oryza sativa L

    Catheter Based Simultaneous Mapping of Cardiac Activation and Motion: A Review

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    Heart failure as a result of a variety of cardiac diseases is an ever growing, challenging condition that demands profound insight in the electrical and mechanical state of the myocardium. Assessment of cardiac function has largely relied on evaluation of cardiac motion by multiple imaging techniques. In recent years electrical properties have gained attention as heart failure could be improved by biventricular resynchronization therapy. In contrast to early belief, QRS widening as a result of left bundle branch block could not be identified as a surrogate for asynchronous contraction

    Spectroscopy and Imaging Performance of the Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Imaging Telescope (LXeGRIT)

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    LXeGRIT is a balloon-borne Compton telescope based on a liquid xenon time projection chamber (LXeTPC) for imaging cosmic \g-rays in the energy band of 0.2-20 MeV. The detector, with 400 cm2^2 area and 7 cm drift gap, is filled with high purity LXe. Both ionization and scintillation light signals are detected to measure the energy deposits and the three spatial coordinates of individual \g -ray interactions within the sensitive volume. The TPC has been characterized with repeated measurements of its spectral and Compton imaging response to \g -rays from radioactive sources such as \na, \cs, \yt and Am-Be. The detector shows a linear response to \g -rays in the energy range 511 keV -4.4 MeV, with an energy resolution (FWHM) of \Delta E/E=8.8% \: \sqrt{1\MeV /E}. Compton imaging of \yt \g -ray events with two detected interactions is consistent with an angular resolution of \sim 3 degrees (RMS) at 1.8 MeV.Comment: To appear in: Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray and Neutron Detector Physics XI, 2000; Proc. SPIE, vol. 4140; K.A. Flanagan & O.H. Siegmund, ed

    Data report: IODP Expedition 339 Site U1391: an improved splice and preliminary age model on the basis of XRF data

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    With the objective to reconstruct past primary production on the southwest Portuguese margin at orbital and millennial timescales through the Pleistocene, we chose to compare two sites recovered during Expedition 339 at similar latitude but different distances to the coast (Sites U1385 and U1391). Site U1385 has a well-established chronology, but for Site U1391 no isotope data are yet available. In order to develop a correct chronology without isotope data, we performed XRF analysis of cores from Holes U1391A and U1391B between 76.51 and 205.77 mbsf. With these data, in particular using log(Ca/Ti) and log(Ca/Fe), it was possible to enhance the Site U1391 splice and to establish an age model based on the correlation to the well-defined and robust Site U1385 age model.UID/Multi/04326/2019;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio